Videos for Quickest Built Instant Homes, are available locally, with all relevant Australian & New Zealand Certifications, and building approval compliances, for your local council, where needed.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding any of our products or videos for our popular quickest built homes.
Our Angeli 37m2 Relocatable 2 bedroom DIY folding granny flat only $ 35,000, will help to get an idea about these unique money saving instant living homes, with 5-7 week timeline only before you can be occupying your own home!
see all inclusions
This is directly from the factory with Australian Certification to the highest standard!
We are displaying various generic videos, which shows the basic functionality of our many exciting instant home solution designs.
Expandable homes are fully compliant with Australian and New Zealand certification both engineering and adhere to our strict Building Codes for framing and all materials included
All these instant homes are available here in Australia right now!
There are many global manufacturers, flogging their wares on eBay, Gumtree, and FaceBook, but 99% fail to disclose their housing products are not approved for the Australasia market unless you are going to erect the house without council approval!
So when looking for an affordable alternative to the expensive hard to obtain Project Home or Kit Homes, remember the most important aspect of choosing an Instant Home solution design, that we here at Quickest Built Homes, not only guarantee you a material certification and material standard approved by Australian Building Codes Board.
Remember your own Guaranty is approved for all our homes sold in Australia & NZ!
So enjoy Videos for Quickest Built Homes and rest assure of lowest prices and highest quality when it comes to choosing an Instant Folding Home Solution.
Call or Text Eric Hansen 0407 683 779 for details or pricing(:
Or drop us a line below(: