From $9,999
This is a beaut little Re-locatable room, great for a Home Office, Art Room or Spare Bedroom.
Dimensions: 3300mm x 3000mm = 9.9m2
Does Not require Any Council Permits as it is under 10m2
Construction is a Universal Modular Steel Building System with a Steel Sub Floor Base.
It only requires 6 Support Blocks to rest on.
This little house can be assembled in Two Days, Completed Ready to move in.
Four posts and Purlin Steel Tube Frame
Is Fully Fire and Termite Proof
Fire Retarded Plywood Floor with Timber Grain Vinyl Finish.
Fully Insulated with 50mm Colourbond Steel Sandwich Panel Walls and Skillion Roof
Electrical includes a Complete Power Board with Circuit Breakers, PowerPoints, Fluorescent Light, and Switch.
Includes Cables and an External PowerPoint for connection to any Extension Lead.
It can be dismantled in one day and relocated as many times as you like.