Home Investing Opportunities
Prefabricated Modular kit home Investing – Could these Smart Homes be worth considering for home investment?
Tips For Home Investors, and Self Funded Retirees here
with Modular Kit Homes or flat-pack Ikea style housing.
It is a common perception, that to build a home for self or as an investment, is governed by what the traditional project builder or local builder can provide a form of House & Land Package Deal” where they are going to do all for you!
It’s not only costly as a home and investing model but also limit your choice of suitable home design, because of escalating built in red tape from local councils and environmental departments.
More and more astute home construction Investing Projects, are now sourced overseas for the basic or complete construction components, mainly because of soaring labour cost in Australia and New Zealand.
The savings realised going overseas for home investing opportunities, mainly Asia is of mountainous proportions. We have Australian Certified Materials on all designs, one of the only importers of Modular kit homes in Australasia!
Ready-built townhouses shipped from China to Cannington WA for home investor developer.
In a Lego-style building operation, six homes were trucked from Fremantle to Cannington this week after arriving from China this week.
Innovative WA builder Craig Forster said he was forced to build offshore because no WA steel-frame home manufacturers could meet his demands…
“The homes completely finished with all the cabinetry, tiling, flooring, plumbing and electrical fixtures were erected on Cannington’s Oak St in Cannington in just one week.”
One such Town House Developer in Perth WA, shipped in all the housing unit components and aesthetically “prettied” up the basic design and even replaced roofing etc with Australia products to comply with certification and development requirements.
With headlines in newspapers as well as television screaming…
“‘IKEA on steroids’: Flat-pack homes to bust Australia’s housing shortage”
“Australia’s first flat-packed, off-grid home could help solve housing affordability problem”
“One in 10 new Australian homes could be pre-assembled in a factory and delivered to your doorstep by 2027”
Let’s have a look at some of these smarter – stronger -more affordable Pre-fabricated Investing homes and the opportunities for a huge capital gain.
Well, most investors are when first starting out their housing construction, in fact, finder Jurney!

So when are you going to take advantage of Quickest Built Homes Investing opportunities?
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