Step-By-Step process to make it easier to get started.
Either by using a local builder or you, yes you, becoming the builder, also called “Owner-Builder”

Quickest Built Homes specialise in Quick turn-around Quality certified to the highest Australian & New Zealand Building Code certification.
This assuring the homeowner a smooth and rewarding home buying experience, and guaranteed local council approval.
Here’s how our time-line works;
- You need to choose a design you like, which suits both your budget and lifestyle.
Remember we can always customise our designs, within the perimeter of the frame sizes.
Take for example our popular
Scandinavian designed kit home “Eirene”

Or our design team will work with you to customize the “in house” designs to suit both your requirement or budget, after all aren’t we all on such a beast, especially right now and for the foreseeable future, one will expect!

The changes may just be a rearrangement of rooms or the change of windows, doors or verandah space. Because we’re the manufacture, we can change and modify, inexpensively, if the changes stays within the standard perimeter of the house plan.
However if you have your own design idea, without infringing any copyrights, we can work around that and give you an estimate with your inclusions and specifications.
Sounds good so far?
2. Now you’re happy with your design. we can schedule your plan and book it into our busy manufacturing system.
The next step is to advance from architectural and structural drawings, to detailed factory detailed drawings, it of course depends on the complexity of your design versus our standard drawings.
3. You are better off, engaging a local Building Certifier straightaway, to assist with all council supported documentation for the DA ( Development Application.
That gives you the green light to start the construction of your home.
The building certifier will also organize top soil testing and profiling your actual building parameters and lastly inspect the various stages of construction, on behalf of your local council.
Remember please, that QuickestBuiltHomes will facilitate all these steps if you so desire(:
4. When all the initial architectural concept and formalities are in place, you are satisfied with the overall drawings and the foundational structures are sorted, and all interior and exterior standard inclusions have been choses and sorted, you are ready to order the kit home and place a deposit for the manufacturing process to be initiated.
5. Now comes the sourcing of a local builder to construct your new home, and again we’ll help you source a experienced builder or you can become an “Owner Builder”, by obtaining a O/B Licence on line or by attending Tafe.
You will then become a kind of project manager, engaging an experienced carpenter/ builder to do the actual facilitation of all aspect of the construction.
This tradie will usually have a team of Plumbers/Electricians etc to assist. The owner builder process is much cheaper and even allow the owner and friends to participate in the building process.

6. The home is manufactured and ready to be shipped, fully certified to the highest Australian & New Zealand building Code specification, for easy local council approval wich is guaranteed by the manufacturer.
7. Transport and lifting facilities are provided by QuickestBuiltHomes, at cost to our customers.
Now the building of your dream home can take place, with a certainty of total satisfaction, warranty and workmanship provided ast the highest calibre.
We will be there to the finish and can always be contacted before, during and after completion for any unforeseen problems that may occur, and almost guaranteed small mishaps will happen, as long as humans are involved.
But they are sorted out straight away and we’ll make sure you’re looked after from the beginning to after the home is handed over to you our valuable customer(:

or simply drop us a line for more information & Plans