Australia’s Kit Home Boom or Bust!
“We are all in it together – Stay Home and be Safe!”

Affordable Quality Steel Framed kit homes
from only $39,990!
Our prime minister Scott Morrison, keeps telling us and has made it Australia’s own war cry, against the corvid-19 virus pandemic.
As it all sounds very patriotic, nevertheless it should remind us all about the severity we are all part of, in this unprecedented global health pandemic catastrophe.
The one million dollar question, we all want to ask “When are we back to normal?”
What damage, to the global economy will be done and how will the world’s real estate prices fare in the new “post-Corona virus world?”
Our beloved Australia has experienced one of the most robust real estate booms over the past decade, since the last global disaster GFC.
The Asian businesspeople investors, currently see Australian Real Estate as a “safe haven” for real estate investment.
Since the global coronavirus lockdown, Australians are now experiencing mass unemployment, and for how long we don’t know, so maybe this is the time to take stock, so to speak, of what is necessary for people to live in, and also what we should do, for the next generation, when it comes to affordable housing in Australia.
We have experienced a big shift by retirees and self-funded superannuation annuitants, regarding buying smaller ans less expensive home investments.
Quickest Built Homes are offering quality kit homes for under 100K, and are being flooded with inquiries, especially since the coronavirus lock-down regime has taken place, with buyers who are now using their “lock-down” Social Isolation time, for gathering valuable information regarding their “house Dream” designs.
We have small to medium investors, and also equity fund-managers, asking for quality but definitely affordability for small to larger scale over 55 villa projects, and therefore are always looking for quality and affordability for our projects, so we can pass it on to our clients.
Let’s hear from current interested parties;
“Great to at least find QUALITY and AFFORDABILITY in the Project Housing Supply Market…” R.H. Victoria
“We found a willing Housing Supply Company, assisting with low cost preliminary concept design, and was pleasantly impressed with their expertise and quality work.” D.T. Tasmania