
Modular Home Manufacturer

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   modular manufactured homes?

Affordable Quickest Built Homes In Australia

In a world that is so consumed with time-saving madness, with mobile devices such as phones, tablets, and the good old trusted PC or laptop, we are now using Apps for all these devices to find, inform, entertain, educate, and most importantly BUY every conceivable item offered for sale on the net and off the line.

From cars, school uniforms, at least here in Australia, and lately, to even the aging baby boomer consumer, seeking granny flats and aged care retirement housing, and simply extra rental income producing income, through websites like 

Modular Home Manufacturer – Affordable Quickest Built Homes In Australia

Modular Home Manufacturer – Quality Quickest Built Homes In Australia

Wheather kit home style or portable manufactured homes are now making a huge inroad away from the more traditional caravan park scene, providers of top quality portable homes for a “hungry” home buyers market, squeezed out of the more conventional housing supply market. 

With an ever-increasing aging population, affordable housing has never offered so many housing models for sale at almost “Aldi” type affordable housing!

What is the difference between kit homes and portable homes, you may ask?

Well, kit homes have the framing built in the factory and then assembled by a builder or by the owner themselves as owner builders, with an obtainable license online in all states available, for easier access and much cheaper than the local TAFE-college! The windows, doors, and other inclusions are then sent in stages to prevent damage and theft, as the material is needed.

Portable Homes are fully manufactured in the factory and are transported to the site with minor additional items such as verandahs and special features added and completed onsite.

As such the timeline for completion is only 6-8 weeks overall, a huge time and money saver!

Portable Housing Flexibility

Using innovating designs and material combined with quality workmanship.

Our innovative design means that our homes are built onto a chassis with wheels, which can be located anywhere in Australia. Other modular homes and even kit homes arrive and need to be craned into place, meaning expensive installation and labor fees.

Our granny flat/secondary dwellings are able to be used for ALL of these variable applications:

Eco Friendly Container/Kit homes From $39,990
  • Granny Flat or investment BnB unit

  • Teen Retreat

  • Weekender 

  • Retirement Home

  • Age Caretaker Unit

  • Disaster Relief Housing

  • Holiday Home

  • Beach Cabin

  • Caravan Park Cabin

  • Fishing Shack

  • Mobile Home

  • Emergency Accommodation

  • Shelters for homeless

  • Workers Accommodation

  • Holiday Park casual/permanent units

We know what you’re thinking, how is it possible for our product to fit ALL of these applications?

The reason for this is because our portable homes are legally registrable caravans.

This means that they don’t have to comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA Standards).

Our homes don’t require ANY building approval, as they’re built in our factory and transported to your location.

Here are some benefits you can have from choosing portable modular homes compared to other secondary dwellings:

  • Can be sited in flood-prone areas

  • Can be sited in bushfire-overlay areas

  • Minimal site disruption

  • Transported as easily as a caravan

Modular Home Manufacturer – Quickest Quality Built Homes In Australia

The bottom line

  • 100% relocatable – Our homes are built onto a towable chassis, with fully functioning wheels, brakes, and lights. Should you move, we can relocate your home anywhere you’d like!

  • No BA Approval – Our product is a legally registrable caravan, and is legally able to be sited without a building application. 

  • BCA compliance – As our product is a legally registrable caravan, it can be sited in flood-prone and fire-prone areas without needing to comply to the Building Code of Australia. 

Size – Our homes range from 17-60 square meters! To put this in perspective, the average size of a Sydney apartment is 42 square meters! 

Modular Home Manufacturer –  Quickest Built Homes In Australia

Here is a sample of our 1 & 2 bedrooms expanding Granny flat models. It’s hard to believe that this fully functioning home is completely relocatable, but trust us, it is!

Granny flats are a great option to get the most out of your backyard whether it is a home for elderly relatives who still want their independence but want the support of family close by, young couples who are saving for a family home or you just need extra room for a growing family. While at the same time you increase the value of your property.

‘Wait, how is that even possible?’

We thought you’d never ask! Our innovative design makes all of the above possible and so much more!
Our homes arrive in a 2.4m wide towable structure and are folded out onto legs. It is able to be set up in only half a day!

Below is an animation of how our product is expanded into a fully functioning, two bedroom home.

Modular Home Manufacturer – Affordable Quickest Built Homes In Australia


Whether you’re looking to purchase a comfortable Granny Flat for retirement, extra room for family and guests, aged care facility for elderly relatives or friend, or maybe simply a way to earn an extra rental return income from your backyard?

Our relocatable portable Modular Home Manufactured housing solutions are the easiest, less labor intensive cost and the fastest Turnkey (All ready to live in) affordable modular home solution by Quickest Built Homes in Australia.

Modular Home Manufacturer – Affordable Quickest Built Homes In Australia

Text or Call 0407 683 779

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